✮ 2022 ✮
stariitea - planetzOplenty - CitruzyBee

Hi, welcome!
If you're here, you're probably looking for commissions, but this page will also hold my TOS for adopts as well!
I have no Commission TOS besides what is listed under the next page with what I can and cant do! :)
If you're here for commissions, you can click ahead with the button below! I can't wait to see the applications! :)

As for the ADOPT TOS, click below!

Adopt TOS (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

✅ In buying my designs, you may: ✅✮ First and foremost: Do as you please, but please do look at my blacklist first as that is vital! You can use them for any/all story you'd like, you bought them, but these have exceptions!✮ You can convert a feral design to an anthro one or vise versa if you wanted to! You can do essentially whatever you'd like with them!✮ Alter the designs bought a little, as long as they do not lose the initial designed look!✮ In circumstances of rehoming a design, please sell the character for the price of what you bought them for if they do no have other art pieces to add on to the price! If there are art pieces you own of the character/commissioned pieces, those can and should add up the estimated rounded price of the character!✮ Some of my characters might have TOS of which I request for you to inform me first if you're thinking of rehoming the character, be it a design I'd bought or other! This is simply just because I might want them back and might want to buy them back off of you.✮ Want to make merch to sell of this design I've made for you? (Plushies, key-chains, etc) ... Please message me first before moving forward in this decision! You can make stories with the designs I make you, but with physical objects I'd love to talk about a commercial cut of your own choice of percentage! (your pick entirely of the percentage cut, This is an extremely, extremely loose rule!)❌ DO NOT, however: ❌✮ Sell characters to those I've blacklisted - under circumstances you might've rehomed them to the blacklisted person unaware/on accident, this does not mean you're in trouble! If it was intentional and I have otherwise proof of the intentional means, you will result in trouble and potentially blacklisted yourself.✮ Replace my TOS with your own/anyone else's, this is essential!❌ BLACKLIST: ❌PLEASE BE AWARE - This blacklist consists and has mentions of:Grooming/PedophiliaMental AbuseSui-MentionTalking Behind BacksIf any of the following is triggering, I advise heavily to tread carefully, take note of the usernames and do not tread further!Under no circumstances are those under this blacklist as of 2020 allowed to own/withhold my designs. Designs they own from before then, they are allowed to keep, however any further designs are absolutely prohibited to be owned by the following. Failure to follow this may result in you being placed into it.Username / Alts I'm aware of / First Name or known Nicknames (if applicable) - Due to [Reason/s][❌] = do not sell my designs to these people under any circumstances
[#] = please contact me before selling to these users, as the character may depend, I may be uncertain of their comfort with me and my partner/close friends/etc, or other personal reasons.
❌ Jell-O 101 / Yendy -- Groomer, & had groomed me whilst I was 12 yrs and herself 19 yrs. Extended out until I was 16.❌ WachumaFox / LibraWolf -- Allegations, though proven, as well as my own firsthand account, involving grooming towards an anonymous user, who is a minor, that will never be revealed unless explicitly stated they want to (but for their own safety, they will not be either way), and myself when I was 15-17, but potentially others I'm not already aware of.❌ Jesse / Vaantlers / sonnen / PlushPlanets / Ghostlights -- Mentally abusing me and partner & acquaintances of mine, nearly driving me to suicide on two separate occasions, constantly and consistently triggering me and my partner and only apologizing to one of us, & talking about all of us behind our backs, amongst other personal issues.❌ Desya / Raccoove / overgrowth -- Due to close, known relation with Vaantlers, and putting me & my partner’s FULL LEGAL NAME on his blacklist, still interacting with my partners art as of (10/28/22), of whom he was supposed to have blacklisted. Found this other account [overgrowth] as of updating this (10/28/22), now also blocked because he hadn't done so.
Please leave my partner and I alone if you are reading, Desya. I don't want anything to do with you or Vaantlers anymore, it's been years.
❌ SheepishJelly - Due to personal issues, involving past misgendering & transphobic remarks towards my partner & other trans & nonbinary people in a private GC.❌ cosmic-paws / -Skyline- -- Due to allegations of TOS breaking from several other users, amongst other personal issues.

Commissions (´• ω •`) ♡

In commissioning:
Please fill this forum out!
Username: (specify what site this user is used on! <3)
What I want:
Background or N/A:
Extra: (Anything else I should know?)

❤ What am I comfortable in doing? ❤
I can draw dragons/avians/other species besides just dogs and cats. Humans are included!
Use email, note, or PM to contact me to ask! :)

If one is marked with "CLOSED" it means I am not taking that certain commission type atm! Please keep that in mind when ordering <3

・༓☾ QUEUE .*☆

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ . :☆゚

Stylized scenes
$20 - $30
(Depends on character difficulty!)

Q: What separates this from a regular scene?
A: The characters supplied will be stylized, softened to root design features, cheek fluff points will be counted and rounded, "sharpness" (like fur tufts,) of a character will be softened. The design itself (i.e marking patterns,) will not be changed, it will remain the same, just softened (made to be a little more blocky) and simplified/stylized.
This type of commission will not have my normal way of shading and will be cell shaded for this style.
Probably best for lighthearted pieces!

No color: $10 / Colored: $15 / $20

Note: Will have noticable flaws in lineart, loose lines, the lineart will not be clean but will be loosely cleaned up!
$15 - $20 is simply due to if the character is complex or not!

[Flat - $20 / Shaded - $25]
+1 chara = +$15

[Flat - $30 / Shaded - $35]
+1 chara = +$25

[Flat - $40 / Shaded - $45]
+1 chara = +$35

Scene w/ lineart
[$60 - $80 Will always be detailed]
When ordering, PLEASE make sure your description of what you want is extremely detailed and elaborate but clear to ensure best quality!
Written scenes or scenes containing detailed action will be considered.

Price will range from
Will always be detailed.
When ordering, PLEASE make sure your description of what you want is extremely detailed and elaborate but clear to ensure best quality!

⬇️ Interested? Shoot me an email or note/comment with the forum filled out :) ⬇️

🌱[email protected]🌱

My other medias ♡